sâmbătă, 17 septembrie 2011

The Convenience of Installing a Wheelchair Platform Lift

There are a number of reasons why you may need to install a wheelchair platform lift, either in the home or in a place of business. Regardless of why it is that you need to install this item, however, there are a number of different things that need to be kept in mind and a few options that should be looked into. Not only can one of these help you to get up a vertical incline, such as from one floor to the other, there are also some lifts available which specifically take you up a flight of stairs. Choosing from among these wheelchair for platform lift options can really help to make the area accessible to anyone.
The first thing that you should consider whenever choosing one of these items is exactly who is going to be using it. If you live in a two-story home and need to have both levels accessible to somebody in a wheelchair, you generally have a few options that are available to you. A standard lift is going to be somewhat similar to an elevator, and these generally have either a screw drive or a hydraulic drive system which powers the unit. It is also possible for you to just have a small lift which will help them to get from one area to the other whenever there is only a single step in the way.
If you're going to be installing the wheelchair platform lift in a business environment, there may be other things that you need to keep in mind. Having your business accessible to the handicapped is not only a convenience, it is also a regulation in many parts of the world. That is why you must make sure of any local restrictions that may be in place or laws that govern this type of installation. It doesn't matter if you are taking them up a vertical area, such as a flight of stairs or if the incline is steeper, there are going to be options that are available to you which meet these guidelines.
One other type of platform that you may be interested in is a stair climbing lift. These are generally either attached to the banister or there may be a track installed in the wall which lifts a platform from one story to the other. Instead of being a direct lift from one level to the other, you would sit in the chair and be transported up the stairs at a slow pace. This is especially convenient whenever the individual is able to move about but is limited in their movement to a certain extent.
When looking for the wheelchair platform lifts that you are going to use, it helps to take a look on the Internet at all of the options available to you. You can compare these different units for the home or your business side by side and then decide which one you are going to install in order to get them up the vertical incline. It's the easiest way for you to make sure that you add a convenience to this area for everyone that needs it.

Choosing a Wheelchair lift

Choosing wheelchair elevators is not as easy a task as it sounds. You cannot just walk into a dealer's showroom and pick one off the shelf. That said it is not a very difficult task either if you go about it in the right manner. Listed below are a few guidelines that you should keep in mind while you make your purchase.
Be clear on the usage
Wheelchair lifts can be used almost everywhere and this is the reason why they come in different designs. The same wheelchair lift design cannot be fitted everywhere. For example there are wheelchair lifts that are designed specifically for public places like schools, colleges, churches and any other kind of public buildings. These lifts are generally inclined platforms. Home wheelchair lifts on the other hand will be built slightly differently and the same goes for those that are used for stages etc.
Consult the doctor
If you are looking at Stair wheelchair lifts for your home you might want to consult the patient's doctor first. This is suggested because every disabled person has very specific needs and these needs are not the same for every one of them. The doctor might have some inputs for modifications on the mechanism that you are considering. These modifications will only make both yours and the disabled person's life easier.
Scout around
Lastly, you need to look around. Buying platform wheelchair lifts is like buying any other product. You need to do all your homework and research before you actually decide on what brand, model etc. you are going to buy. The easiest way to do this would be to visit all the dealers in your neighbourhood and see what they have to offer. Check on their experience, their customer service and support and the durability of their product. You can also ask your doctor for recommendations. You should only choose a brand after you are completely satisfied with what you see. Keep in mind that this is a commodity where safety has to be your priority so therefore cheap might not necessarily mean the best.

Used Wheelchair Lifts for Use in the Home

Although you have a lot of choices whenever it comes to purchasing something for convenience to the handicapped, used wheelchair lifts often give you this convenience at a price that you can afford. Not only are these excellent for use inside a home, there are specific units that are available for vans and RVs as well which can really help you to be as mobile as possible. Regardless if you are just purchasing an older unit, or if you're getting one that is reconditioned, these used wheelchair lifts are an excellent choice for residential use.
The first thing that you need to do is to find some place where you can locate these used items in the first place. Although it certainly would not hurt if you looked through your local paper, there are a number of reasons why you may also want to consider using the Internet at websites such as eBay or Craigslist. A simple look on eBay will show you that there are plenty of these used items available, but you might be a little bit more comfortable ordering something like this in your local area. Not only can Craigslist allow you to find them locally, it often gives you the opportunity to see them in advance of your purchase and to save a considerable amount of money on shipping costs.
Once you have these used wheelchair lifts in your possession, you're going to need to consider how you will have them installed. Although it is possible for you to install them yourself in some cases, you may also want to consider hiring a contractor in order to take care of the job for you. This is especially important if other individuals are going to be using the lift besides you. You need to make sure that any installation is in compliance with local regulations that may be in place. A contractor will generally be able to help you with this.
You also need to understand the difference between a used item and a reconditioned item. Many times, something that has been overhauled is actually going to be better than purchasing the same item brand-new. The reason why this is the case is because these overhauled items often go through a more rigorous testing process than the new item, and many times they will use superior replacement parts in the process. Regardless of whether you're looking for lifts for vans and RVs or if you're looking for one for use in your home, these reconditioned units may be exactly what you need.
Purchasing one of these items for use in the home can save you a considerable amount of money and give you the freedom of movement that may not be possible without having one installed. The same is also true whenever it comes to used wheelchair liftsthat are made specifically for vans and RVs. Just make sure that you look at all the options that are available to you, and continue to look for new items to become available. You would probably be surprised with what you are able to find.

Vertical Wheel Chair Lifts Options Available

There may be a necessity for you to install one of the vertical wheel chair lifts, either in your home or in an office environment. This is not only true if you already have somebody with limited mobility that regularly is in one of these areas, it may also be a requirement for you to be able to be open for business, that you have handicap access. Wheelchair lifts come in a number of different shapes and sizes that cover everything from going up vertical slopes or from one level directly to another, all the way to the wheelchair stair lift which is generally for use inside the home. Regardless of why you need them, however, understanding the options available for these vertical wheel chair lifts is a necessity.
The first thing that generally needs to be determined is exactly why you need to have one of these items in place. For business reasons, it is often necessary for you to have one of these wheelchair lifts in order to stay in compliance with local regulations that govern access for the handicapped to public places. If you need to install one for this reason, it is often necessary for you to make sure that you do so in a way that will be in compliance with any national or local regulations that may be in place. It is generally a good idea for you to hire a contractor for this job than to take care of it yourself.
For use inside of the home, you can either install the item yourself or hire a contractor in order to give yourself additional piece of mind. There may be some difficult items that need to be installed as well, such as the wheelchair stair lift. This item is very convenient for helping individuals with limited mobility to get from one level to the other up and down a flight of stairs. The last thing that you want, however, is to install this item improperly as serious injury or worse could result.
One other thing that you may want to consider is that installing vertical wheels chair lifts can be quite an undertaking. The construction that is necessary to install one of these often can have your business inaccessible to anybody while it is taking place. That is why you may want to consider a freestanding unit that can be slipped into place easily and will cover any regulations that may be in place so that you can be compliance.
There's no doubt about it, whenever you have a need for accessibility to the handicapped, it is usually necessary for you to have one of these vertical wheel chair lifts in place. Regardless if you are talking about the type of wheelchair lifts that are similar to an elevator or if you need a wheelchair stair lift that will take you up and down a flight of stairs, it can provide a level of convenience and accessibility for anybody that has a difficult time because of their physical limitations and handicaps.